Thursday, August 19, 2010

The one with LAN

Question 10
The currency Crisis of 1997 saw the value of the Ringgit crashing against the US dollar.
Discuss the strategies the Government implemented to cushion the effects of the devaluation of the Ringgit and to restore the country's economy.
Evaluate the effectiveness of these measures.

So basically I have broken down the project into a few subtopics.
1) What went done - Cause, effect and mechanism of the Currency Crisis of 1997
- Simple explanation about international currency market and its mechanism ( Amirah )
- Background information on George Sorrows ( Ferlin )
- How George Sorrows attacked Malaysia's Currency ( Kel )
- Effect of a weak currency ( Kel )

2) The Rectification - Resolution , temptation and solution
- Background of IMF who offered help to Malaysia and Indonesia. ( Hui Li )
- What will happen if Malaysia accepted loan by IMF ( Ying Ying )
- Malaysia's attempt to rectify the fall in international competitiveness ( Fatin + Syalina )

3) The aftermath - Soaring through the fall
- The general accomplishment of a stabilized economy ( Rafida )
- Conclusion ( Jian Hao )

A lot of these information can be obtained from google. Either search " George Sorrows", "Malaysia's Currency Crisis", "Solution to Malaysia's Currency Crisis".

If you really can't find any information regarding your topics, do text me through the number I sent you the message with and I will try my best to feed you with information. Also, if you're clueless about your subtopic, text me for a general guide line.

I will email a template for the powerpoint presentation to your respective emails so the factor of compatability can be eliminated. Do use the font mentioned in the template. Please save all files under 2003, not 2007 as I don't think all of us are using 2007.